Saturday 25 April 2015

On dating a Med Student (or On Being a MedLaw Power Couple, Ironically Titled)

Haven't decided if this is a freeverse, a prose poem or.... well, anything really. But here goes. Dedicated to my favourite med student, who was my favourite before he became a med student too. 

Seventy and 
      don't date a med student because they will forget the date of your anniversary but
You remember how many times my heart beats a minute.
lub dub, lub dub

The human heart is roughly the size of a f i s t 
      but you're the lover, I'm the fighter so maybe
Yours is the open palm and mine is the tight clench.
lub dub, lub dub

All the vessels in our bodies, end-to-end, would circle the earth four times
      and sometimes I think I'd like to see the whole world with you;
But laying in bed with you on a Sunday morning is almost enough adventure for the week.
lub dub, lub dub

The heart can beat independently of the body, since it has its own electrical impulse
      but separated from you and I start to tick a little slower
Like clock counterclockwise tick-tock.
lub dub, lub dub

Allegedly, two heartbeats in close proximity will begin to mimic each other 
      I pick up your habits like the scattered socks on your floor (we've started to sound like)
My heart answers yours like a phone call.
lub dub, lub dub

And then you kiss me; here, there, everywhere
      I miss a heartbeat.
You, always you.
lub-... lub dub.

Don't date a medical student because they will forget the date of your anniversary, but remember how many times your heart beats a minute and I don't know how that somehow ended up being romantic.