They say boys only love with their penises. And girls with their hearts. But I disagree. I don't think either of these statements are true.
Girls, I must confess, love with their heads. They think way too damn much when they love someone. It's always about figuring it out, sorting it out, fixing it, defining it, showing it off, etc. Girls overthink. Girls analyze. Girls assess. Which isn't a bad thing. You've gotta give your head the reins sometimes or you'll run right off the track. Plus, we just like knowing everything. Which isn't a bad thing.
And then boys? Boys probably love with their hearts. (I tried to decide which of the body parts they use more when they're in love: hearts or arms?!?!?! Went with hearts...) They just love. I don't know many boys who overthink anything when they really love a girl. They just love her. I guess that's why girls always blow up on them for making mistakes. We just wonder why you didn't THINK THAT THROUGH OMG. Boys just don't overthink everything. They just feel.
(Arms because boys are awfully comforting when they're in love. I mean, they hug a lot. And the good ones wipe away a fair share of tears. And they hold hands and stuff. Which is sweet. They're very hands-y with the girls they love.)
Don't get me wrong though, these are both generalized statements and I'm not saying that they're true for all individuals. Sometimes we girls through reason into the wind and sometimes boys get rational. I'm just generalizing and throwing out my opinion.
Then there's the statement "boys like to get into girls' pants." Now I'm not saying this isn't true.... because we know it is, for the most part. If a boy lies, he's probably out to get into either your pants or another girl's pants.
But when girls lie, why do they lie?
Nuh to get into a boy's heart?
So let's stop nitpicking at the sexes and just spread more love and stuff. This post was pretty short and, well, I just felt like putting this out there. Have a good week.
Yours with head-over-heart,
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