Sunday, 4 May 2014

I've never smoked a cigarette, or did a line of cocaine, or tipped ecstasy to the back of my throat or rolled a single spliff and

Maybe that means I've never been addicted. 

(That is a lie.) 

Because I used to pop you like pills. You'd live on the tip of my tongue. I'd drink you like a thirsty man with a glass of salt water. 

I'd fill myself with you til you'd buzz through my veins and filter out my nostrils and seep through my pores. 

I couldn't get enough. 

I had to give you up. (Because they were right about how you'd fool me twice and the shame would be all mine.) 

...but like the man who gave up smoking and gets trapped in an elevator with a man and his cigarette, all I really needed was a reminder 

      of how you fit between my lips and on the tip of my tongue. 

(Third time might just be the charm.)
                     she says before relapse. 

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