Saturday, 20 September 2014

If I had a daughter, the first thing I would tell her is that sometimes Mr. Wrongs look really, really right and

They will have half smiles and know all the prettiest words to weasel their way into your heart, but beware...

Do not count on the boy who kisses you on the backseat of his white car and sets you on fire with his fingertips... In two months, you will call him in an emergency, scared at 2 am and he will hit ignore after the second ring. 

Do not go to that party that your friends all beg you to go to with them, when you all know that you don't want to go. They don't care about what you want—they just want the ride home. Learn to say no to the parties you don't want to go, and worse the boys whose bodies you don't want pressed against you at these parties. 

Stop thinking that boys who were shit will have changed. Not in a week, two weeks, a month, a year or two years. That boy who wanted nothing but sex from you in 2012 will probably want nothing but sex from you in 2014 too. 

Delete his number. And then let it stay deleted. Really. This one is important. 

Do not be bitter and angry when your parents send you to a school closer to home. Sometimes they really just aren't ready, even when you are. I am still working on this one. I hope my daughter will be a better forgiver than I am. 

It is okay to do what isn't cool, if it feels right. Listen to your gut, not your friends. Real friends will understand. The other ones won't hang around anyways. 

Let go of what isn't meant for you... without explanation, without hesitation, without fear. What is meant for you will find its way to you. 

It's okay to accept help. Your pride will hold you back. You can be great. You don't have to be great alone. 

Say "I love you" when you mean it. (The same goes for "I am sorry", "I don't love you" and "I don't want to do this") 

Learn the meaning of consent. Then learn when not to give it. Be safe, be sure, be serious. Sex isn't going anywhere. 

It'll all be okay in the end. 

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