Sunday, 9 September 2012

I have a huge crush on a guy... and

I don't remember how to flirt.

Yep, you read that right. I don't remember how to flirt.

After being in a solid, committed relationship for over a year, some skills become so dormant that it takes a little while to wake them up.

How many people in a long term relationship actively utilize their flirting ability though? I know I'm not the only one who has this problem.

You get that cute, sweet or sexy flirty message and then... and then... and then nothing. It's like my brain chokes. What exactly should I reply?! Or not reply, as the case may be.

And how seriously should I take this? Maybe it's just a little joke. Or maybe this is serious and I might fling weh a chance here, just by not knowing what to reply.

What if I take too long to reply and make the conversation forced and awkward. Or if I reply to quickly and seem to eager or too easy?


But bigger issues: I haven't used my kissing skills (or perhaps lack thereof?) in a while either... maybe those are dormant too...

Yours inexperiencedly,

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