Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Prompt: What's it like going to school with boys after five years of all girls?

I think most of my challenge with coed school is the size... There are over twice the amount of kids here than there were at my previous school. And the hallways get packed easily.

But a couple things I've noticed:

  • It's easy for your voice to get lost, when you're competing against boys who naturally have a deeper vocal range and can get louder much faster. I feel like I sorta just squeak while they bark and then the teacher forgets that I started to speak first.
  • I'm a lot more conscious of what I look like. No, not applying lipgloss and curling eyelashes. But just making sure that the buttons on my shirt don't get misaligned and flash boobies, or my skirt isn't hanging awkwardly or sticking off. I just take a second more to ensure that I'm appropriate. 
  • The teachers generalize. They assume that all boys are leaders of the class and the girls just fawn over the boys. They acknowledge that our passes are better, but it's never just because we are just as bright. Only because the boys are usually "busy" with things and don't focus enough or whatever. I feel like there's so much underlying sexism. 
  • Sexual tension is definitely a theme now. It spices things up when you're in some sort of general assembly and notice that, "hey, that guy is cuuuuute" or something... but in a class? It's distracting. Of course.
It isn't all bad, however:
  • The decent ones open doors, pull out chairs, escort you around, wait for you, offer you favours and can generally be charmed into doing your bidding just with a bat of the eyelashes. It's refreshing being thought of as delicate. Not weak, just delicate.
  • The diversity among the opinions makes for an amazing class. I just can't wait until we start discussing gender roles and sexism and stuff. It won't be all "Yes, girl! I agree! Ladies rule!" but a little "Nooo stills, man to the ting!" to spice up a good debate.
  • SFA dinner. Need I say more? (Of course I do.) Before, the idea of a dinner was a bunch of girls hanging out. Now it's a date. And hey, who knows? It could be amazing.
So yeah, all in all, I think it's gonna be an interesting experience getting to attend a coed school. I'm hoping to make the very best of it :D Good luck to my fellow past all girls or all boys' schoolers... or even coed schoolers. Good luck to us all!

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