Monday 17 September 2012

I think my least favourite flavour of icecream is pralines and pecans... and

Pralines and Pecans is currently the flavour of icecream in my cup. It's like a sick kind of torture; I hate it but I continue to shovel it down. And I know I'm gonna have the worst sort of rash or supm tomorrow. Worse so if I start sneezing down the place. Stupid nuts >.<"

Today was such a blissfully easy day that I think the universe is setting for me. I mean, I had three classes. Literature, Sociology and Communication Studies. All of which went smoothly and flawlessly. Had a couple of good laughs in all my classes, the teachers are cool, I have epic friends...

And I didn't see my exboyfriend even once.

It's sorta like he's... vanished. It's weird. Can't say I don't miss him, because I do. But it's complicated. It's good that I'm not seeing him all the time and whatnot. It's healthy.

I should really be catching up on the notes from the classes I've missed but it's almost midnight and I really just wanna read obscene poetry until I fall asleep.

Goodnight, sleepy world.

Most dairy-intoxicatedly,

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